Wednesday, July 15, 2009

programmed2thrash free downloads

ok, we finished our album a little over a week ago. i've been running around doing all kinds of shit like that and thats why i haven't been blogging funny shit. but it evens out. a lot of the stuff on this blog is inspiration for the stuff i like to make. and now im blogging about it. full circle. anyways. we're gonna put some shows together for august. my lead singer is off on the canadian social d tour fluffing for civet. download our shit! its free! the fucking instrumentals too! you don't like our lyrics? sing your own fucking shit then. programmed2thrash fucking karaoke.

download full album now @

download the album instrumentals now @

1 comment:

  1. the first 3 labels read "art blood boner" and the last 3 read "psycho pussy technology"
